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<h2>What Is a Snow Removal Business?</h2>
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<p>Snow removal businesses are an essential service in cold and harsh winter seasons. Their services specialize in removing snow from residential and commercial properties.</p>
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<p>Many individuals and businesses don’t have the time, skills, or heavy-duty snow removal equipment to remove snow on their premises. Instead, they prefer to leave the work to the professionals.</p>
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<p>Keep in mind that snow removal is different from other types of service businesses. It is only a seasonal project, but there are ways to make it a yearly venture, significantly increasing your year-round business revenue.</p>
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<h2>Benefits of Starting Snow Removal Business</h2>
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<p>Snow removal is a booming business. According to <a href="https://www.ibisworld.com/united-states/market-research-reports/snowplowing-services-industry/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">IBIS World</a>, the industry was valued at $20.5 billion in 2021, with growth only continuing to increase. In other words, as long as we have cold and icy seasons, snow removal will remain a relevant and profitable business.</p>
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<p>Below, learn about the major benefits of starting your own snow removal business.</p>
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<h3>Low Startup Costs</h3>
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<p>Startup costs for a snow removal business are fairly low depending on what equipment you decide to purchase.</p>
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<p>According to <a href="https://howtostartanllc.com/business-ideas/snow-plow#:~:text=A%20business%20will%20also%20need,cost%20between%20%243%2C000%20and%20%2410%2C000.&text=A%20loan%20may%20be%20a,once%20the%20loan's%20paid%20off." target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">TRUiC</a>, a snow removal business will “need a plow, snow blower, salt sprayer, and salt, which together may cost between $3,000 and $10,000. Other startup expenses include insurance, fuel, and advertising costs.”</p>
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<p>If you already run a lawn care service, chances are you already have customers who need snow removal services in the winter season. This means that you will save money and energy in marketing your business to reach new clients.</p>
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<h3>Consistent Demand</h3>
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<p>The demand for snow removal is increasing every year, and according to <a href="https://arcticsnowandiceproducts.com/campaign/new-dealer/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Arctic Snow and Ice Products</a>, it is known to be relatively recession-proof.</p>
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<p>Further, <a href="https://www.thebalancesmb.com/the-best-business-ideas-for-working-for-or-with-seniors-2947979" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">The Balance Small Business</a> notes that marketing your lawn care and snow removal to seniors “makes sense for those looking for a viable, recession-proof business idea, given the size and profit potential of this market.”</p>
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<p>Not to mention, with a snow removal business, you will be able to tap into different markets: residential, commercial, and even vacation rentals.</p>
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<h3>Able to Control Workload</h3>
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<p>When it comes to snow removal, services are not typically driven by emergencies. In turn, you will be able to easily manage schedules for your business.</p>
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<p>Essentially, starting a snow removal business will give you the freedom to choose how little or how much work you want to accept from clients.</p>
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<h3>Rewarding Work</h3>
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<p>Providing snow removal can be very rewarding work. Above all, you are solving urgent issues for your clients.</p>
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<p>To make it more worthwhile, running a snow removal business gives you the opportunity to work with friends and family. In a <a href="https://taskbird.com/snow-plowing-to-build-your-cleaning-business/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">previous blog</a>, we explain that “recruiting some helping hands for your snow plowing side hustle is a great way to help others while spending time with your friends or family.”</p>
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5 Steps to Starting a Snow Removal Business
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<h3>Step 1: Register Your Business</h3>
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<p>Upon launching a snow removal startup, you’ll need to obtain certain licenses and permits to make sure you follow regulations in your area and other states you plan to market to.</p>
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<p>You may ask government administrators to assist you in filling out necessary forms and license requirements to <a href="https://www.sba.gov/business-guide/launch-your-business/register-your-business" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">legitimize your business</a> and status as a snow removal business owner.</p>
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<h3>Step 2: Get the Right Equipment</h3>
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<p>To make sure you have a complete list of equipment and supplies needed for snow removal work, go through your current tools to determine which equipment still needs to be purchased.</p>
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<p>If you already have the existing tools, <a href="https://www.totallandscapecare.com/business/article/15037803/get-your-snow-removal-equipment-ready-with-this-maintenance-checklist" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Total Landscape Care</a> has provided a comprehensive checklist to help you maintain your equipment so that it’s always ready once your business is up and running.</p>
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<h3>Step 3: Find Good Insurance</h3>
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<p>To protect your snow removal business, make sure it is bonded and insured. If anything is stolen, or if accidents occur, having insurance will come in handy.</p>
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<p>On top of that, bonding and insurance are significant ways to help show clients that your business is reputable and well worth the cost.</p>
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<h3>Step 4: Promote Your Business</h3>
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<p>After you have taken care of the legal requirements and acquired the right equipment, it’s time to promote your business and get clients.</p>
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<p>If you already have an existing lawn care service or any other type of cleaning business, you can utilize your existing pool of customers to find those in need of snow removal services. If you’re new to the business, however, you may have to use a different approach.</p>
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<p>Learn from the humble beginnings of <a href="https://canete.com/index.html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Tom Canete</a> who has been New Jersey’s preferred choice for winter services for over 38 years now. His success started from going door-to-door in a metropolitan area to introduce himself and promote his snow removal services.</p>
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<p>He developed his simple marketing strategy based on the fact that people and businesses in cities are close together, which allows for more time performing snow removal services and less time driving between projects.</p>
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<h3>Step 5: Have a Backup Plan</h3>
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<p>When running any business, there will always be things you can’t control. For example, perhaps your equipment has suddenly malfunctioned or you get sick. In these cases, it’s wise to have an emergency backup plan. This will help you avoid upsetting or losing clients due to canceled appointments.</p>
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<p>One way to prepare for emergencies is to have a mechanic on-call who can make last-minute repairs. Similarly, you can have another employee on staff who can pick up your shifts when you’re sick.</p>
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<h2>Frequently Asked Questions About Snow Removal Business</h2>
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<h3>Is a snow removal business a good investment?</h3>
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<p>Considering the low startup cost, starting a snow removal business can be a great investment. In the right location, you’ll likely be able to grow your new venture quickly.</p>
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<h3>How do I get snow removal clients?</h3>
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<p>While there are many opportunities to advertise your business, such as direct mailing or newspaper ads, you can never go wrong with word-of-mouth marketing. This form of promotion is an inexpensive, reliable, and top recommended way to build your client base.</p>
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<h3>How much should I charge for snow removal?</h3>
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<p>According to <a href="https://homeguide.com/costs/snow-removal-cost" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Home Guide</a>, on average, “most snow removal services charge $25 to $75 per hour or between $200 to $600 per season, depending on the location and size of the area to clear.”</p>
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<p>Above all, it’s recommended to compare how much your competitors charge before setting a price for your service.</p>
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<h3>How much profit can a snow removal business make?</h3>
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<p>The estimated profit may change depending on how much snow falls in that season.</p>
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<p>For instance, in January 2022, it was reported that Massachusetts towns faced a <a href="https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/mass-communities-in-need-of-more-snow-plow-drivers-before-weekend-storm/2624974/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">shortage of snowplow drivers</a> due to a major snowstorm. This prompted local officials to offer substantial incentives of “$120 to $200 per hour.”</p>
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<h2>Launch Your Snow Removal Business Startup</h2>
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<p>Whether or not you already have an existing service business, launching a snow removal startup as your next venture can be a great investment to earn more income each year.</p>
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<p>Considering all the benefits you will experience running your snow removal business, and the simple process to start one, doing so is a great way to increase your network and your revenue in the cleaning service industry.</p>
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<p>To help manage your snow removal business efficiently, <a href="https://taskbird.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">download the Taskbird app now</a>.</p>
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Lawn care service business owners should strategically price their services by analyzing job costs, considering customer value, and regularly reviewing and adjusting prices to maintain competitiveness.